Sponsors and partners
On my way I am supported by:
Tricademy - School of Movement GmbH
Coaching / training
Correct, that's my own company. I incorporate the same knowledge and experience in coaching my athletes that will also guide me through my own project "professional athlete 2.0".
Bike Corner Würenlos
All things bike!
Fein, erfahren und Detailverliebt - so würde ich das kleine Geschäft in Würenlos bezeichnen, das mich rund um alle meine kleinen Dinge, die so am Rad anfallen, unterstützt. Vielen Dank für eure Begleitung!
Well ... and that's about it right now!
Welcome to reality, without any bitterness. At the moment I am my biggest fan, supporter, supporter and also sponsor. If someone would like to help me with this, I am grateful for any help and also interested in cooperation!
And for the angels out there, there is also the opportunity to support me either spontaneously or anonymously: